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Digital information ecologies and how people use and access information

Prof Shanton Chang (School of Computing and Information Systems, The University of Melbourne)

Digital environments are complex spaces where people are interacting with each other and with information/misinformation. The idea of digital information ecologies explores the concept of how people rely on multiple sources of information and have multiple ways of expressing online behaviours. This is of interest to public health researchers and practitioners because it helps to further our understanding of how this might impact on the public's understanding of health and research. This presentation will highlight some of the research in this space and show it applies to people's health information seeking behaviours.

When: Wednesday, 17th November 2021, 12-1 PM (ACDT)

Where: Online. Please RSVP to


Prof Shanton Chang is a researcher in the School of Computing and Information Systems at the University of Melbourne. His primary research interests include: information behaviours from a socio-technical perspective (with particular interest in health, business and educational contexts), information needs and information behaviour, information security and organisational cultures and qualitative and mixed-methods research.

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